“Dreck in die Wunde” (Dirt in the Wound), is a series of living and transformative sculptures. It is characterised by novel processing techniques of growing substrates and is symbolic of the human body with all its vulnerable sides.

This series is created by casting trash into ecological resin, polymergips, and uses found materials.

Dreck- Rubbish, filth, dirt, mud, grime, mess, muck, muckiness, smut, scruffiness, gunk, soil, scandal.
The plant-wall is falling down! Things aren’t as they appear. On this very old wall, was covered in a viney plant, that appears to be falling down.
In a glass case, a princess appears to be in a magical in a magical sleep. On closer inspection, you fall into a bottomless whole. Was this the princess you set out to save or will she get you in the end? Welcome to the “The Grand Quest of Stairs”!

The staircase is an idyllic little spot on the Danube. Your narrator, a talking bear gives strange advice. Start your search! “The Grand Quest of Stairs” begins!